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University of Kentucky
Agricultural Weather Center
Serving Kentucky residents
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Kentucky Climate Update

This web page will provide users with an indepth view of the current climatological situation in Kentucky. Climate related graphs and maps will be update daily, weekly and monthly to provide Kentucky residents the latest information for Kentucky's past, present and future climate status. Sources are from UKAWC, NWS, NCEP, CPC, NCDC, USGS and the Kentucky Climate Center. Let us know if there are addition items you would like to see on this page. Tom Priddy, Director UK Ag. Weather Center. Click any image to enlarge. Additional drought information is available here.

Click here for the latest Weekly Kentucky Weather Summary, and click here for the latest Monthly Kentucky Climate Report. For Past Years Click here.

Climate Summaries By Climate Disision: West, Central, Bluegrass, East, All



Click here for the SOI trend graph
Click here for the Weekly Palmer Drought and Crop Moisture data for Kentucky
Kentucky Hydrologic and Agricultural Drought Status:

Date: Monday Oct 18 2021
Re: Palmer Drought (PDSI)/Crop Moisture (CMI) Indices

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Much like the first half of October, well above normal temperatures remained in place 
for the workweek. Highs peaked on Thursday with temperatures in the low to middle 
80s across much of the state, which would be about 10 to 15 degrees above normal for 
this time of year. Showers and storms crossed the western half of Kentucky on
Monday night, before dissipating to the east. Following another light round of 
showers Wednesday, more significant activity arrived on Friday with the passage of a 
strong cold front. Some storms across Western Kentucky did show capable of 
producing damaging winds. Overall, outside of some spotty locations, most of the 
state ended under an inch for the week. Behind the front, much cooler air filtered 
into the state from the northwest. Highs on Saturday and Sunday were limited to the 
60s. Lows on Sunday morning even dipped into the middle 30s to low 40s, prompting the 
possibility of patchy frost in low lying and sheltered locations. 

WEST KY Long-term Hydrological Moisture status is: NEAR NORMAL
CENTRAL KY Long-term Hydrological Moisture status is: NEAR NORMAL
BLUEGRASS KY Long-term Hydrological Moisture status is: NEAR NORMAL
EAST KY Long-term Hydrological Moisture status is: NEAR NORMAL

WEST KY Crop Moisture status is: Favorable For Normal Growth And Fieldwork
CENTRAL KY Crop Moisture status is: Favorable For Normal Growth And Fieldwork
BLUEGRASS KY Crop Moisture status is: Favorable, Except Still Too Wet In Spots
EAST KY Crop Moisture status is: Favorable For Normal Growth And Fieldwork

Rainfall needed above normal to end the hydrological drought: West 0.00 inches, 
Central 0.00 inches, Bluegrass 0.00 inches and East 0.00 inches.

                                CLIMATE PREDICTION CENTER, NCEP, NWS, NOAA
                    WEEK 33 OF THE 2021 GROWING SEASON IS THE WEEK ENDING 16 OCT 2021
                                           SOIL     PCT                           MONTH  PRELIM-P  PRECIP
                                         MOISTURE  FIELD                  CHANGE  MOIST  FINAL -F  NEEDED
                                       UPPER LOWER  CAP.  POT  RUN  CROP   FROM    ANOM  PALMER    TO END
                            TEMP  PCPN LAYER LAYER  END  EVAP  OFF MOIST   PREV    (Z)   DROUGHT   DROUGHT
KY  1 WESTERN               70.2  0.68  0.00  4.50  50.0 0.82 0.00  0.16  -0.06    0.24    0.35 P
KY  2 CENTRAL               69.1  0.61  0.81  5.89  74.5 0.80 0.00  0.56  -0.49    2.24    1.08 P
KY  3 BLUEGRASS             68.2  0.66  0.88  7.53  93.5 0.78 0.00  1.03  -0.59    3.08    1.68 F
KY  4 EASTERN               68.5  0.52  0.30  4.19  74.8 0.78 0.00  0.37  -0.41    1.34    1.08 P

Note: In the "Precip Needed to End Drought" column...that rainfall is needed ABOVE NORMAL./K. Thomas Priddy, UKAWC

Daily Streamflow Conditions/ Map of below normal 7-day average streamflow compared to historical streamflow for the day of the year (Kentucky)

30 Day Outlook Discussion Here
90 Day Outlook Discussion Here

Current Agricultural Weather Conditions in Kentucky
Based on observations at 1100am EDT, Wednesday May 01, 2024

Across Kentucky...temperatures are near 77 degrees west, near 74 degrees central, and near 67 degrees east. Current sky conditions are sunny west, sunny central, and sunny east. In the west, relative humidity is near 59%, and the dew point is near 62 degrees. In the central part of the state, relative humidity is near 61%, and the dew point is near 60 degrees. In the east, relative humidity is near 78%, and the dew point is near 60 degrees. Current drying conditions are fair west, fair central, and fair east. The livestock heat stress category is no stress west, no stress central, and no stress east. Winds are from the southwest at 8 mph west, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are from the south at 7 mph central, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are calm east, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Based on current available observations, the highest temperature is 77 degrees at Paducah. The lowest temperature is 67 degrees at Jackson.

Click here for the entire list of ag. weather observations across Kentucky.

Updated Thursday Evening, December 9, 2021

Severe weather on the table

It has been a rather active weather pattern to start December. Through the 8th, the state has averaged 1.39 inches. Attention now turns to another round of showers and storms tomorrow and Saturday. Altogether, another half to 1.5 inches will be on the table. Coverage will start tomorrow scattered in nature. Highs will jump into the 60s across much of the area behind breezy southerly winds. Shower/storm coverage and intensity then increases tomorrow night and into Saturday morning. A line of storms is expected with damaging winds as the main threat, but tornadoes also very much possible. Heavy rain also presents a flooding threat, especially for low lying areas. Now is the time to get animals out of those spots. Bottom line, this will present an overnight threat, so please have a way to get warning (highly suggest a NOAA Weather Radio).

After a brief cool down for the latter half of the weekend, temperatures go on the uphill climb next week. Outlooks hint the warm air will hang around the area through the third full week of December. Any additional rain chances look to hold off until late workweek.

Fayette County Precision Ag. Weather Forecast

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky